Sunday, May 3, 2009

Usability Evaluation Considered Harmful

Usability Evaluation Considered Harmful

In this paper the authors critics the usability evaluations prevalence and necessity in the academic arena and in the industry. They talk about how many CHI papers won't even be considered without a quantitative usability evaluation. They claim that the current usability evaluations in practice are often times missused or simply not necessary. They sum everything up by stating that usability evaluations are good but to be open for non-empirical methods as well. This was an interesting paper but seems was dragged out 5 pages too long.


  1. Interesting? This paper was painful. I stared at it for a long time and I'm pretty sure there were words, but their combination hurt my head.

  2. Dragged out for sure. They just needed to say that people need to remember that their are more than one way to evaluate something. I guess the only way they can say something like that and people will listen is if they say it in a published paper.
